Cheesy Tortilla Strips

Back in the day, I was a junior lifeguard in Huntington Beach, which meant my summer mornings consisted of swimming around the Huntington Beach pier, running drills on the beach and learning everything there was to know about ocean safety and how to rescue someone in distress. I basically LIVED at the beach those summers, and after a hard day of junior lifeguarding, nothing tasted better than cheesy tortilla strips.

Anyone who is local to HB knows about the cheese strips at Dwight’s: tortilla chips, shredded cheddar cheese and tomato sauce. It may sound weird at first, but it is so, so good.

When the wonderful team at Foodiechats gave me the opportunity to partner with Sartori Cheese for some #GameDayCheese, I KNEW I had to recreate the cheesy tortilla strips from my youth, with a few changes.

Cheesy Tortilla Strips

Instead of using tortilla chips, I fried up a couple of whole wheat tortillas and instead of the plastic-y orange cheese, I decided on Sartori’s Chipotle Bellavitano for an extra kick.

I know the fact that you don’t melt the cheese sounds really weird, but trust me on this one – it’s delicious!

Cheesy Tortilla Strips


2-3 whole wheat tortillas, cut into strips

4 oz of your favorite Sartori Cheese

2 oz ketchup or tomato sauce

Olive Oil, for frying


Cut your tortillas into “strips” or squares and place in a skillet on low heat with some olive oil. You’ll want to try the tortillas until they are nice and crispy like chips.

Grate your cheese and set aside while your tortillas are frying.

Place your tortillas on a plate and sprinkle cheese on top. Add tomato sauce on the side.


Dig in, and enjoy!

If cheesy strips aren’t your thing, then a good ol’ fashioned rose and cheese pairing works too.


Thanks again to Foodiechats and Sartori Cheese for this awesome game day eats pack!

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