Will Run for Brunch (and Champagne)

A couple of months ago my mom asked the Englishman and I if we would be interested in running a 5k in Costa Mesa that was a fundraiser for all the schools in the district she teaches in .  The Englishman and I were game, and after a few weeks of training (this was his first 5k ever) we knocked it out in just over 30 minutes even though the course was long and had major steep hills!  My mom wasn’t far behind, clocking in at just over 40 minutes, so it was a successful day for all parties involved.

One of my favorite things about running is having a nice brunch after.  There’s nothing more rewarding than sitting down to a nice plate of pancakes, eggs and a cup of tea after you have completed your workout for the day.  So naturally after our successful 5k, the Englishman, my mom and I headed to Plums Cafe for a post-race brunch.

Since we were all in a celebratory mood, we decided to order the special “brunch option,” which meant for an additional $8 we got coffee or tea and a glass of champagne with our brunch.  The tea arrived in cute little teapots (similar to the ones at Nick’s) and made me question once again why I don’t have these in my own house.

And then the champagne came out.  A perfect treat after a hilly run.

Once we were nice and hydrated from tea and champagne it was time to dig into the food.  I kept it simple with the scrambled eggs, peppered bacon, toast and fruit.

I’m not always the biggest bacon fan, but there’s something about this peppered bacon at Plums that is just so good.  I pretty much devoured the bacon before moving on to the eggs and toast, which were also quite tasty.

The Englishman went a similar route and ordered poached eggs, potatoes, bacon and toast.

My mom got the blueberry pancakes with blueberry compote.  Pancakes are one of the #1 things Plums is known for, so I knew these would be good.

And good they were!  I managed to steal a few (maybe more than a few) bites before my mom kindly asked me that I not eat her entire meal.

It had been awhile since I had been to Plums, but after this brunch I know my visits will definitely be more frequent.  Everything tasted delicious and the service was spot on.  Other restaurants could definitely learn a thing or two from Plums.  Three cheers for the perfect post-race brunch!

Plums Cafe

369 East 17th Street

Costa Mesa, CA 92627

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