Power Cookies

After running my first half marathon, I had cookies on the brain.  I wanted to make a cookie that was hearty, and even a little bit healthy.  And since it hurt to sit down (thanks hills), I decided it would be best to just stay standing and make some power cookies instead.

power cookies goji berries chia seedsI call these power cookies because they have lots of good stuff in them.  Chia seeds for your omega-3s, goji berries for your antioxidants, coconut oil for your healthy fat, and chocolate chips because chocolate chips just make everything better.  I made the cookies with almond flour and was pleasantly surprised with the results!  I think next time I will add in some coconut flakes and nuts to these power cookies for an extra powerful punch.

So if you are looking for a cookie that’s not too sweet and has lots of good stuff in it, then make these.  You could almost call it a healthy snack, but I prefer the term power cookie instead.

almond flour power cookiesPower Cookies (makes 12 cookies)


1 1/4 cup blanched almond flour
1/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/4 cup goji berries
2 tsp chia seeds
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 egg
3 tbsp coconut oil (softened)
1/2 tsp vanilla


Preheat your oven to 350F, and lightly grease a baking sheet.

In a large bowl mix your flour, baking powder and salt together.  In a smaller bowl, blend your egg, coconut oil and chia seeds.  Fold the wet mixture into the dry mixture and continue to blend well.

Add in your chocolate chips and goji berries (and any other ingredient of your choosing) and mix until the batter is sticky .  Gently spoon the batter onto the baking sheet and create small balls.

Place baking sheet in the oven and bake for 15-20 minutes, or until lightly browned.

Remove cookies from the oven and enjoy them in all their powerful goodness.

5 thoughts on “Power Cookies

  1. Karla @ Foodologie

    I need to try to make these because I need a big break from sugar. Also, totally DIDN’T go to crossfit this morning. Looked at the WOD and was scared of hurting my back again so I canceled. Fail.

    1. socaliallie Post author

      I totally hear you on the sugar thing – these cookies have a bit of sugar bc of the chocolate chips, but they def aren’t overly sweet. let me know if you like them!

      And back injuries are the worst – better to rest and not get re-injured again! Besides, you need to come on Tues/Thurs! 😉

    1. socaliallie Post author

      Please let me know how he likes them! They are good because they aren’t too dense – perfect race fuel 🙂

  2. Pingback: Quinoa Almond Muffins

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