Tag Archives: bachelorette

Brunch at Searsucker

This past weekend I had my bachelorette party in San Diego.  Drinks were consumed, shenanigans ensued, and by Sunday morning there was nothing I was looking forward to more than a delicious brunch at Searsucker in the Gaslamp district.

Brunch at Searsucker EatSearsucker is Top Chef Season 3 finalist Brian Malarkey’s restaurant and focuses on New American Classic dishes with a twist.  When I first had a look at the whimsical brunch menu, I knew I needed to eat there.  I emailed my Maid of Honor and asked her to make a reservation and before I knew it we were set for brunch at Searsucker.

Since I didn’t bring my Canon Rebel to my bachelorette festivities, all of my brunch photos were taken with my point and shoot camera and don’t really do the food justice.  Just trust me when I say it was delicious and I can’t wait to return to Searsucker again soon!

I’m also very fortunate to have friends that love food as much as I do and who were game for trying a lot of different things off the menu.  The minute we all saw One Foot in the Grave on the menu we knew we had to order it.

Brunch at Searsucker One Foot in the GraveOne Foot in the Grave is a fried potato dish topped with sour cream, bacon, cheese, and crispy onions.  Of course with a name like that I was expecting this dish to be incredibly over the top.  While it was on the decadent side, I found the dish to be quite flavorful and not overly greasy.

We also ordered one of the homemade sticky buns to share among the group.

Brunch at Searsucker Sticky bunNow this was decadent.  I almost found it to be too sweet, but I did really love the cinnamon glaze on top of the soft sticky bun.  I haven’t had a sticky bun in ages so this was a nice treat.

For my main brunch entrée I went with the Boring, which is just scrambled eggs, potatoes, bacon and toast.

Brunch at Searsucker BoringThe name might be boring but this dish was delicious.  I was craving bacon in a bad way so this definitely hit the spot.  Sometimes there’s nothing better for breakfast than some good ol’ fashioned bacon and eggs.

A couple of the girls got the Sunday Bloody Sunday which was poached eggs with bacon and grits.

Brunch at Searsucker Sunday Bloody SundayI didn’t get to taste this dish because of the corn, but I heard nothing but rave reviews from my two lovely friends.

My maid of honor got the McPuffin (sans sausage) which I had to steal a bite of.

Brunch at Searsucker McPuffinThe McPuffin biscuit was super light and flaky and I loved the melted cheese and fried egg underneath.  I am most definitely a carnivore so I would’ve ordered it with meat, but this is a great meatless dish if you are vegetarian.

Another friend ordered the Green Eggs and Ham that came with pork belly and brioche.

Brunch at Searsucker green eggs and hamI love pork belly and her dish looked (and smelled divine).  Next time I go to Searsucker I am definitely ordering that.

Brunch at Searsucker Truffle EggsThe final dish that was brought to the table was an egg white scramble with truffle, Parmesan and mushrooms.  I didn’t get to taste this one either but my friend had nothing but great things to say.

At the end of brunch our sweet waitress brought out a lemon tart as a congratulations for my upcoming wedding.  Well played, Searsucker!

Brunch at Searsucker Lemon tartAnd for the record, the lemon tart was delicious.  If I hadn’t been so full from all the other brunch food I would’ve devoured it.

I’m already planning my next brunch at Searsucker (and lunch and dinner).  Now if only I can convince them to open an outpost in Orange County next!

What’s your favorite brunch food?  Sweet or savory?