Tag Archives: gluten free berry crumble

Lightened Up Gluten-Free Berry Crumble

It isn’t a secret that I am a fan of fruit-based desserts.  All you have to do is take a peek at my recipe page where you will find things like the Fall Harvest Crumble and the decadent Mile High Apple Pie.

I was recently contacted by the kind folks at Driscoll’s Berries to come up with a delicious berry recipe that was not only tasty, but gluten-free as well.  Of course I jumped at the chance especially since I am quite the berry fan.  Now came the tricky part, what to make?

After much contemplation (this is serious business you know), I decided to go with a lightened up berry crumble that not only tasted great, but was gluten-free as well.  Now don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of the traditional crumbles loaded with brown sugar and butter (see: Fall Harvest Crumble), but for a nice light dessert or snack this was pretty delicious.  Plus this crumble topping is versatile enough that you can use it on yogurt for an afternoon snack or even mixed with more fruit and nuts for a muesli of sorts.

Thanks Driscoll’s for the opportunity and providing me with coupons to use your delicious berries in a dish!

Lightened Up Gluten-Free Berry Crumble


Fresh berries of your choice (I went with blackberries, blueberries and raspberries)

1 cup gluten-free oats

1/3 cup gluten-free oat bran

1/3 cup pecans

1/3 cup honey (to make this crumble vegan, use maple syrup)

1/4 cup water

1 tbsp cinnamon

1 tbsp sugar (you can add the sugar if you want, but the honey already provides enough sweetness)


Preheat your oven to 350F.

Wash and rise your berries and place them into ramekins or another small baking dish.

In a small bowl mix the oats, oat bran, pecans and cinnamon together.  Pour in the honey and water and mix well.

Cover berries with the crumble mixture.

Sprinkle the top of the ramekins with sugar and place in the oven for 15-20 minutes until the crumble turns light brown.

Let the ramekins cool, and dig in and enjoy!  Preferably with some ice cream.