Tag Archives: homemade peppermint bark

Two Days before Christmas

‘Twas two days before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even the cat on the couch.

Screen Shot 2012-12-23 at 1.48.07 PMEveryone was nestled all cozy in bed, with visions of delicious peppermint bark dancing in their head(s).

Screen Shot 2012-12-23 at 3.07.46 PMMe in my scarf and the Englishman in his hat, decided to head out for one final Christmas grocery lap.

While heading to the store the crowds began to gather, we knew we had to pop in to Starbucks to see see what was the matter.  And what should my wondering eyes should appear, but a red cup filled with Christmas joy and cheer.

Screen Shot 2012-12-23 at 1.47.02 PMWhen we returned home it was time to call them by name: On chocolate, on vanilla on peppermint and parchment.  Now white chocolate, now candy cane, now water to boil and peppermint oil.  As I began to gather my ingredients and melt them by hand, the Englishman was making bread, oh what a great man!

He was covered in flour, from his head to his toes, and produced a batch of Christmas bread, warm cinnamon wafting in my nose.  It was time for me to finish creating my Christmas treat, so I too would have something to contribute to our feast!

With a twinkle in his eye and a twist of his head, he looked on enthusiastically as I continued with my holiday spread.  The chocolate chilled and ready to go, just add some crushed candy cane on top of it like snow.

We packaged our goods up and covered them in holiday wrapping, placed under the tree, where the cat was napping.  With a sigh and a smile, we exclaimed in delight – Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

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