Tag Archives: how to make spaghetti squash

Spaghetti Squash Tutorial

I love squash.  I love butternut squash in soup, summer squash on pizza, and more recently, spaghetti squash.  The first time I bought spaghetti squash I was a bit intimidated on how to make it, but I soon realized that it was incredibly easy.  So easy in fact, that I decided to put together a quick Spaghetti Squash Tutorial for those who want to make it.

spaghettisquashtutorialFirst you take your spaghetti squash and slice it in half.

spaghettisquashhalfThen you scoop out the seeds (Pip photo bomb alert).

spaghettisquashscoopedPlace your squash face down in a small baking dish with just a tsp of water at the bottom.

spaghettisquashindishBake in the oven at 350 for 40-45 minutes. Pull your squash out of the oven and scrape the insides out and put on a plate.


And there you have it!  A super simple spaghetti squash tutorial.  I personally like to eat my spaghetti squash with bison meatballs, tomatoes and goat cheese (a winning combo).

Spaghetti squash is a nice grain-free alternative to have with your meal, but it definitely does not taste like spaghetti, regardless of what you may have heard.  It is healthy and tasty yes, but nothing like the real deal.  So if you are in the mood to try something different, then definitely give this a shot.  But if you are in the mood for some delicious pasta, may I recommend visiting Cucina Alessa?