Tag Archives: Stack Wines

Stack Wines

I first learned of Stack Wines a few months ago and was fascinated by the concept.  Stackable wines that you can take on the go?  No corkscrew necessary?  It almost sounded too good to be true.  Lucky for me, the folks behind Stack Wines were kind enough to send me a couple of their wines so I could try Stack out for myself!

Stack Wines comes in four different varietals: Cabernet Sauvignon, Charisma, Chardonnay and Pinot Grigio.  The wine comes in 4 plastic cups that are “stacked” together.  All you have to do is twist the cups apart, pull of the lid and enjoy!  The concept is so simple.

stack wines towerI happened to have some family coming over to watch the Breaking Bad finale on Sunday, so I decided to break out the Stack Wine so everyone could have their own cup to help comfort them as the series drew to a close.  I know I relied heavily on my cup of Pinot Grigio to get me through the finale.

stack wines close upThe verdict?  Not only is the concept awesome, the wines are also good!  If you are expecting an award-winning Napa Valley Cab this isn’t it, but these wines are miles better than your typical two buck chuck.  Plus, you can class it up a bit by drinking Stack Wines out of cups that look like glasses instead of a typical red solo cup.

stack wines cupsI can definitely see myself getting Stack Wines again in the future – it’s the perfect way to travel with wine and you can’t beat the conveinence factor.

Thanks for the opportunity Stack Wines!