Tag Archives: superfood

Homemade Granola

I love making homemade granola.  There’s something very therapeutic about mixing oats and nuts together and then roasting them in the oven while a delicious aroma wafts through your house.  One of my all-time favorite ways to enjoy granola is in yogurt parfait form, so when the package below arrived on my doorstep, I knew it was a sign that I needed to have some more homemade granola in my life.

The lovely folks at Chobani were kind enough to send me some of their yogurt, and what better way to enjoy delicious Chobani than with some homemade granola sprinkled on top?  I decided to deviate from my usual granola recipe, and came up with a new mixture that includes goji berries, coconut and almonds.

This granola is loaded with antioxidants (goji berries), healthy fats (almonds) and is gluten-free.  It’s not very sweet, but you can add some extra maple syrup or chocolate chips for a little more sweetness.

I personally love this yogurt with some delicious vanilla Chobani, but it’s also a great acai bowl topping or good with some almond milk!  However you decide to enjoy this granola, you are bound to love it!

homemadegranolaHomemade Granola


1 cup certified gluten-free oats
1/2 cup quinoa
1/2 cup silvered almonds
1 tsp salt
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 cup maple syrup
1/3 cup coconut flakes
1/2 cup goji berries


Preheat your oven to 250F.  In a large mixing bowl add your oats, quinoa, almonds, salt, cinnamon, vanilla and coconut flakes.  Mix well and add in maple syrup.  You can either add the goji berries at this time (note: they roast really fast), or add them in later.

granolaroastingSpread granola mixture on a large baking sheet and place in the oven.  Roast for 50-60 minutes and remove from oven to cool.  If you have not added the goji berries, add them at this point.

gojiberrygranolaOnce granola has cooled enjoy!  Store in a tupperware container and use within a week.