Tag Archives: watermelon

Weekend Snapshots

Is anyone else having a hard time believing we are over halfway through summer?  I mean, August starts this week!  I still have a lot of summer-y things to do including have a bonfire at the beach, make sangria, go bike riding either to or along the ocean, and figure out how to make corn syrup-free marshmallows so I can enjoy some smores.  Thankfully summer seems to last into September in Southern California, so I suppose I have a little extra time.

This past weekend was filled with good eats, good friends, and scoring a good deal on a dress to wear to a wedding I am attending in Colorado next month.  All in all, not too shabby of a weekend.  Instead of a play-by-play, let’s let the pictures speak for themselves.

Saturday brunch at one of my favorites, True Food Kitchen:

A visit from one of my besties:

The Olympics (yeah swimming!) with a side of green juice:

New summer reading:

Fresh fish for dinner with honey roasted carrots and potatoes:

And watermelon, obviously: