Tag Archives: weekend

Weekend Update – Orange County Edition

After a few chilly weeks in Southern California (chilly by our wimpy standards at least), the sun finally came out in full force this weekend and we were treated to lovely temps in the 70s.  The Englishman and I took advantage of this lovely weather and enjoyed time outside, as well as lots of delicious eats.

It’s weekends like this that remind me that spring is right around the corner which means back on daylight savings time, more flip flop wearing, and a half marathon race on May 5 (eek!).

Weekend highlights include:

Kitty shenanigans with Pip.

5 Month Old Kitten

Finally trying Sidecar Doughnuts.  They are set to open a storefront in Costa Mesa very soon, and I highly recommend checking them out.

Sidecar Doughnuts Costa Mesa

Spending time at the flea market – where you can find just about anything.

Orange County Marketplace Brunch at one of my favorites, Haute Cakes Caffe.

Haute Cakes Cafe Newport Beach

New running shoes for aforementioned half marathon.

Brooks Running Shoes

Homemade Sweet Potato and Turkey Pie (recipe coming soon)

sweet potato casseroleGoodnight and have a pleasant tomorrow.