Tag Archives: clean eating

Pork and Turkey Meatballs

Sunday is always food prep day in my house.  The Englishman and I plan out our dinners for the week, and we are both in and out of the kitchen getting as much prepped in advance as possible.  One of our favorite things to make in advance is meatballs – they are perfect to add to a quick meal on the fly, and you can make a bunch and then freeze them and use as you go.  Lately we have been making pork and turkey meatballs.

Pork and Turkey Meatballs Close UpUsually when we make pork and turkey meatballs we add some ground flax and bacon for extra flavor and texture.  The meatballs are baked in the oven, and we don’t add any fillers like breadcrumbs.  I’ve never been a fan of adding bread into meatballs because then I feel the meatball tastes more like a bread ball with herbs in it.

Lately we’ve been enjoying the pork and turkey meatballs with a variety of different dishes, like cauliflower mashed potatoes.

Pork and Turkey Meatballs cauli mashOr we have them with pasta, spaghetti squash, or just some veggies.  Like I said, these meatballs are very versatile and a great way to sneak in some extra protein without cooking an entire steak (even though I do love me some steak).

We tend to make our meatballs on the bigger side but if you make smaller meatballs you’ll definitely have plenty to freeze and enjoy as leftovers!  It’s the perfect thing to have on those evenings where you can’t think of anything else to eat.

Pork and Turkey Meatballs


1 package ground pork

1 package ground turkey

2 tbsp ground flax

1 egg

2 Shallots, diced

3 strips bacon (optional)

Salt, pepper and seasonings to taste


Preheat your oven to 350F.  Place a baking sheet or cast iron skillet into the oven to warm up.

Remove your ground pork and ground turkey from their packaging and place in a stand mixer (you can mix by hand as well).  Gently mix the meat while adding your egg, flax, shallots and chopped bacon.  Continue to mix until well blended.

Ground Pork and TurkeyRoll your meat into small to medium shaped balls.  Pull your warmed skillet/baking sheet out of the oven and place meatballs on it.  Put back in the oven for 10-12 minutes.

Once again, pull your meatballs out and flip them over and place back in the oven for an additional 10-12 minutes to ensure the meatballs are cooked all the way through.  Since the Englishman and I tend to cook bigger meatballs, we usually give each side 12 minutes.

Pork and Turkey Meatball CLoseupRemove meatballs from the oven and let them rest.  Eat your meatballs with whatever your heart desires!

Anyone else a meatball fan?