Tag Archives: Dana Point Turkey Trot

Turkey Trot Run

If you read my earlier post, you’ll notice that I have signed up for the Dana Point Turkey Trot again this year!  Since I have a tumultuous past with this race, I’ve come up with three things to help me prep for this turkey trot run.

DanaPointTurkeyTrot_logo1. Don’t go out too fast – I started way too fast at the turkey trot a couple of years ago and don’t want to make the same mistake twice.

2. Negative Split – This goes along with not starting out too fast, but I’d love to negative split if possible.  I tend to get faster as I get more warmed up, so hopefully I will be able to achieve that.

3. Have Fun – I put too much pressure on myself last time I ran this and this year I want to have fun and run a smart race.  The Englishman and I are running together and we always have fun when we run races, especially when we run in costume.

And here’s the November 11-17 Running Recap:

Monday: 5 miles @ 9:12 pace

Tuesday: Crossfit

Wednesday: 5 miles @ 9:48 pace

Thursday: Crossfit

Friday: 3.5 miles @ 9:17 pace

Saturday: 5 miles @ 9:13 pace

Sunday: REST

 Who else is doing a turkey trot run?  What distance?