Tag Archives: thanksgiving

Dana Point Turkey Trot Race Recap

This Thanksgiving I ran the Dana Point Turkey Trot 10K once again with the hopes of redeeming myself after a disappointing performance in 2010.  I knew I had a fairly good shot at a PR on this course, so the Englishman and I decided to go for it.  So sit back and enjoy the Dana Point Turkey Trot Race Recap.

DanaPointTurkeyTrot_logoSince I had decided I wanted to PR at this race, I decided to keep the workouts fairly simple leading up to it.  Monday the Englishman and I went for a 5 mile run, Tuesday we went to crossfit and did 100 bench presses (no joke) followed by a 14 minute AMRAP consisting of power cleans and kettlebell swings, which at the time didn’t seem too bad.

When I woke up Wednesday morning I was sore.  My upper body was tight and my legs felt like lead.  We went out for an “easy” shakeout run of 3 miles Wednesday morning and the whole time my legs were tight and I was struggling to keep a 9:30 pace.  I began to worry that my legs wouldn’t be fresh for a PR the next day but the Englishman reassured me that we were getting the “crappy” run over with so we could have a great one on Thanksgiving.

Then there was the issue of my stomach.  I tend to have stomach issues in general anyway, but Wednesday it was a bit of a hot mess that lasted until Thursday morning.  I assumed it was just pre-race jitters and tried to brush it off as we headed down to Dana Point in the wee hours of the morning to pick up our race bibs.

Dana Point Turkey Trot bibOnce we got to the race it was crisp and cold, and the energy of the runners was infectious.  I remembered why I loved running this particular race because everyone is in such a good mood and excited for the Thanksgiving holiday.  Plus, this race is incredibly well-organized.

The horn blared at 7am and the Englishman and I were off.  The first 3 miles of the course take you around Dana Point Harbor Drive and through a parking lot, and the final 3 take you through the marina.  The entire race is quite scenic as you are running next to the ocean the entire time.

My legs felt a bit stiff from the cold when we started, but we quickly got into our groove and hit the first mile at 9:06.  Both of us were feeling pretty strong and we proceeded to run sub-9 miles the rest of the race and managed to negative split which was pretty awesome.

Dana Point Turkey Trot SpllitsSecretly I had been hoping to finish the race in roughly 55 minutes, and when I looked at my watch and saw we were averaging an 8:37 pace, I realized we were going to make it in under 55 minutes and then some.  As we rounded the corner to the finish, we decided to sprint and crossed the finish line in 53:37.

Dana Point Turkey Trot Post RaceI honestly did better than I thought I would (thanks to speed work and crossfit) and officially feel like I redeemed myself in the 10K distance.  Now I can’t wait for the next one in December!

Here’s this week by the numbers:

Monday: 5 mile run @ 9:16 pace

Tuesday: Crossfit

Wednesday: 3 mile run @ 9:40 pace

Thursday: 10K race @ 8:37 pace

Friday: Rest

Saturday: Mini-Murph WOD: 1 mile run, 100 sit ups, 100 push ups, 100 squats, 1 mile run

Sunday: Rest

Did anyone else run a Turkey Trot?  How did you do?

Turkey Trot Run

If you read my earlier post, you’ll notice that I have signed up for the Dana Point Turkey Trot again this year!  Since I have a tumultuous past with this race, I’ve come up with three things to help me prep for this turkey trot run.

DanaPointTurkeyTrot_logo1. Don’t go out too fast – I started way too fast at the turkey trot a couple of years ago and don’t want to make the same mistake twice.

2. Negative Split – This goes along with not starting out too fast, but I’d love to negative split if possible.  I tend to get faster as I get more warmed up, so hopefully I will be able to achieve that.

3. Have Fun – I put too much pressure on myself last time I ran this and this year I want to have fun and run a smart race.  The Englishman and I are running together and we always have fun when we run races, especially when we run in costume.

And here’s the November 11-17 Running Recap:

Monday: 5 miles @ 9:12 pace

Tuesday: Crossfit

Wednesday: 5 miles @ 9:48 pace

Thursday: Crossfit

Friday: 3.5 miles @ 9:17 pace

Saturday: 5 miles @ 9:13 pace

Sunday: REST

 Who else is doing a turkey trot run?  What distance?


Dana Point Turkey Trot Healthy Thanksgiving Menu

The Dana Point Turkey Trot has been Orange County’s most popular turkey trot for the past 36 years, and it’s a race I have run twice.  This year the organization has teamed with Moms in Charge and Salt Creek Grille to provide the official Dana Point Turkey Trot Healthy Thanksgiving Menu for runners.

Dana Point Turkey Trot FoodInstead of eating sugar-laden dishes after a healthy morning of running, you can reference the Dana Point Turkey Trot Healthy Thanksgiving Menu for delicious recipes that will be a hit around the dinner table.  In addition to the menu, the Moms in Charge team has a couple of healthy dinner prep tips which include:

  • Choose an organic, free-range turkey without added hormones or antibiotics.
  • Instead of refined sugar, sweeten your dishes with honey, maple syrup or coconut sugar.
  • Use coconut oil instead of vegetable oil.  Coconut oil is one of the healthiest “good fats.”
  • Use fresh cranberries and veggies instead of canned.  Fresh tastes better!
  • Use sweet potatoes (my fave) instead of white potatoes and mash them with coconut milk.

I know I’ll personally be applying these ideas to my Thanksgiving dinner with my family, especially when it comes to fresh ingredients.  Nothing tastes better than fresh cranberry sauce I promise!

So why all the talk about the Dana Point Turkey Trot?  Well after a two-year hiatus, the I’m returning to run the 10K this year! (full disclosure: The Dana Point Turkey Trot is covering mine and the Englishman’s race entries)

I’m excited to run the 10K race course again and hopefully get some redemption from the last time I ran it.  Plus, the energy around this race is so fun that it’s nearly impossible not to have a good time while running it.  There’s still time to sign up, so come join me for a fun way to kick off your Thanksgiving holiday.

How are you making your Thanksgiving healthier this year?  Share your tips in the comments!


Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!  I love Thanksgiving not only because of the delicious food (my dad makes a mean stuffing) but also the fact that it is the official kick start to the holiday season, which means lots of celebrating with friends and family.

So in the spirit of the holiday, here are just a few things I am thankful for this year…

My Family – Both sides of my family are pretty amazing and I’m lucky to have all of them in my lives.

Our new home – The Englishman and I were fortunate enough to be able to purchase a home this year, and for that we are very, very thankful.

The Englishman – He’s my rock and I can’t wait to start wedding planning for next year.  We also love to have a good time together.

My Friends – They are pretty much the best around, not going to lie.

Pip! – Pip just came into our lives a little less than a week ago, but he’s already made quite an impression.

Sweet Potato Bites – I love writing in this little ol’ blog and hope to do more of it in the coming year.

Holiday Baking/Desserts– I’m definitely on the holiday baking wagon.  Current favorite treat is this grain-free ginger spice cake.

What are you thankful for this year?