Tag Archives: prosecco

An Afternoon Picnic

We have been having fabulous weather the past couple of weeks in So. Cal – June gloom is slowly starting to disappear, the temps are in the high 70s (unless you are inland – is 90 there!) and there’s a light breeze in the air.  It’s safe to say that summer is officially live and well here.

Since the weather has been so nice, it only seemed fitting to have a summer picnic, so the Englishman and I packed up some food and walked over to a local park not too far from our apartment to enjoy our spread in the grass.

And what a spread it was!  We had salami and cheese sandwiches made with homemade rosemary bread (recipe coming soon).  Not going to lie, this bread is pretty fantastic.

Since CA Grown produce is pretty amazing right now we had some delicious grapes, watermelon and tomatoes, all grown right here in the golden state.  Quick Tip to OC Residents: go to Grower’s Direct in Costa Mesa for your produce.  The quality there is pretty impressive and it’s definitely affordable!

Of course no picnic is complete without a bit of bubbly, so some prosecco from Trader Joe’s was enjoyed as well.

It was so nice to dine al fresco, away from any distractions (TV/phone/internet) and to just enjoy each other’s company.

Cheers to more summer picnics!