10K Training

So I like to run.  And crossfit.  And eat lots of delicious food.  And since running has become such a big part of my life, I have created a new tab on Sweet Potato Bites that’s dedicated just for running.  This blog will always primarily be a food blog, but if you are interested in running/training for a race/etc. the  brand new running section will have all that good stuff.  So let’s start with 10k training.

I have a very complicated relationship with the 10k distance.  I have only done one 10k race to date, and that was the Dana Point Turkey Trot in 2010 where I crashed and burned hard.

Crashing mid-race.  And what on earth am I wearing?

Crashing mid-race. And what on earth am I wearing?

I had made the mistake of training for the race on a treadmill in my apartment gym, and when the cold race morning came, my lungs couldn’t handle it and I ended up having to walk part of the course to avoid getting an asthma attack.  Thankfully my friend slowed down and walked with me, which was much appreciated.  I spent the rest of the afternoon tired and with sore lungs and didn’t get to enjoy my Thanksgiving dinner properly.

Starbucks run after the 10k disaster.  I decided to drown my sorrows in Joy tea.

Starbucks run after the 10k disaster. I decided to drown my sorrows in Joy tea.

So what went wrong?  First off, I trained solely on a treadmill which is fine, except I never added any elevation, speedwork, nothing.  Second, I never trained outside so my body could adapt to different weather changes.  And third, I just ran, with minimal cross-training and strength training.

With a half marathon and a recent 10 mile race under my belt, I figured it was time to face the 10k once again and really see what I’m made of.  This time around, I’m incorporating speedwork, long(er) runs, and crossfit and am hoping to smash my previous time of 1:02:18.

And my redemption race?  The Troutman Sanders Santa Run on December 14 (disclaimer alert: I’m one of Renegade’s social media reps.  Sign up for the race here, and enter ALLISONDISCOUNT for a cheaper entry fee).  I initially thought of revisiting the Turkey Trot for my redemption race, but I have my sights set on doing a speedy 5k that day, especially after running a 7:49 mile in crossfit (which is not that fast for most, but fast for me).

So for the next 6 weeks, I’ll update the blog on Mondays with my training from the previous week to hold myself accountable.  And then hopefully on December 14, I’ll finally have race redemption.

10K Training Week 1: October 17-November 3

Sunday: Surf City 10 Mile Race @ 9:07 pace

Monday: Rest

Tuesday: Crossfit

Wednesday: 4.25 mile run @ 10:12 pace

Thursday: Crossfit + 1 mile @ 7:49 pace

Friday: Crossfit

Saturday: 7 mile run @ 9:20 pace

Sunday: 3.1 mile run @8:29 pace


3 thoughts on “10K Training

  1. Pingback: Easy Track Workout

  2. Pingback: Dana Point Turkey Trot Healthy Thanksgiving Menu

  3. Pingback: Dana Point Turkey Trot Race Recap

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