Chocolate Pumpkin Chia Pudding

Can we talk about chia pudding for a second?  Apparently it’s been all the rage for quite some time now and I have yet to try it.  I don’t know why because I love chia seeds in bar form and in oatmeal, but for whatever reason I never made pudding even though it is ridiculously easy.  After realizing I had a large bag of chia seeds in my pantry that were dying to be used, I decided to make pumpkin chocolate chia pudding, because it’s been too long since I have made anything with pumpkin.

chocolate pumpkin chia puddingThis pudding is only sweetened with honey.  That’s it.  With the holidays coming up and the abundance of desserts that are bound to come my way, I’m trying to keep the sugar intake in check until Thanksgiving, and then all bets are off.

But it turns out that this pudding was so good I just may need to make it again amongst all the holiday treats.  Maybe add some peppermint to it as well.  ‘Tis the season!

Chocolate Pumpkin Chia Pudding pin

Chocolate Pumpkin Chia Pudding (adapted from this recipe, gf/vegan/paleo)

*Makes 2 servings


1/4 cup chia seeds

1 1/4 cup almond milk

1 tbsp cocoa powder

2 tbsp pumpkin

2 tbsp honey


In a large mixing bowl combine all of your ingredients until well blended.  Place bowl in the fridge and cover for a couple of hours so the pudding has time to solidify.

Chocolate Pumpkin Chia Pudding closeupSpoon pudding into bowls and enjoy!  If you want to add a little decadence to your pudding add some chocolate chips, whipped cream, or even some candy cane bits.  Like I said, ’tis the season!

Chocolate Pumpkin Chia Pudding overhead

What kind of pudding is your favorite?  Growing up, I loved rice and tapioca pudding.


3 thoughts on “Chocolate Pumpkin Chia Pudding

  1. Karla @ Foodologie

    I tried making chocolate chia pudding once and I couldn\’t do it. It just was not tasty, but it\’s been years and I should probably give chia pudding a try again, especially because chia seeds are so good for you!

  2. Pingback: Blueberry Chia Pudding - Sweet Potato Bites

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