Homemade Peppermint Bark

After I posted my Salted Coconut Almond Chocolate Bark recipe I realized I never posted my recipe for Homemade Peppermint Bark!  So if you are still scrambling to find a dessert to bring to your Christmas gathering, this homemade peppermint bark should do the trick.  It’s easy to pull together and requires minimal ingredients.  ‘Tis the season for bark!

Homemade Peppermint Bark I’ve been making this homemade peppermint bark for my family for a few years now.  Back in the day, I would buy the pre-made peppermint bark from the store, but once I learned the bark was loaded with unsavory ingredients such as high fructose corn syrup I decided to take matters into my own hands and make my own.

And since we are on the topic of HFCS, I was pleased to find these organic candy canes at Whole Foods that are free of all preservatives and artificial flavors.  These candy canes have natural ingredients such as brown rice syrup and evaporated cane juice which makes them the perfect topping for the homemade peppermint bark.

homemade peppermint bark candy canesI personally like to make my peppermint bark with white and semi-sweet chocolate, but you can use milk or dark chocolate if you prefer.

Homemade Peppermint Bark

Homemade Peppermint Bark Ingredients:

1 bag semi-sweet chocolate chips

1 bag white chocolate chips

10 candy canes, crushed


Melt your semi-sweet chocolate in a small saucepan or a microwave.

Spread your chocolate on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and place in the fridge for 1 hour.

While your chocolate is hardening in the fridge, crush your candy canes.

Homemade Peppermint Bark crushed canesI broke my candy canes into large pieces and placed in a ziploc bag.  I then covered the bag with a dish towel and used a soup can to crush the candy cane into small pieces.  It may not be the most elegant way to crush candy canes but it works.

Melt your white chocolate in a small saucepan or microwave.  Pull your chocolate bark out of the fridge and spread the melted white chocolate on top of the semi-sweet layer.

Sprinkle the crushed candy cane on top of the white and semi-sweet chocolate mixture and place back in the fridge for another couple of hours to harden.

homemade peppermint bark parchmentBreak your bark into small pieces and enjoy!  I recommend storing the bark in the freezer for a quick treat.

Homemade Peppermint Bark PieceHope you have a wonderful holiday!  And if you get a chance make this bark!

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