Running Playlist

Finally a post about running!  After December I found myself plagued with a minor knee injury followed by getting hit by a cyclist, so my running was a bit sporadic at the beginning of the year.  But now I’m happy to say I have my running mojo back, and have an awesome running playlist to boot!

Renegade Santa Run Race90% of my runs are usually with the Englishman or friends so I don’t normally listen to music, but there are those few times when I do just crave a quick solo run, and that’s where the running playlist comes out.

I know people say all the time that music can affect a workout, and I totally believe it.  When I put on my running music I’m energized and ready to take off.  And since some of my running goals this year include getting faster and setting some PR’s in shorter distances, this playlist is perfect.  This also reminds me that I need to start up my track workouts again.

Track Ladder Workout CDM

This running playlist contains a few songs that are on the higher end of the BPM spectrum, which is why they are in the middle.  I typically take a couple of songs to warm up, and then if I’m doing a tempo run, I play these songs to really get me moving.

This particular running playlist runs for an hour, but when I’m in the mood for a quick down and dirty run, I’ll usually just play a warm up song followed by some fast BPM songs and then a cool down.  If you are in the mood to get your heart rate going, this playlist definitely delivers!  All of these songs can be found on iTunes as well.

Running PlaylistIf you couldn’t tell by this playlist, I definitely have an eclectic taste when it comes to running music, but that’s what makes it more fun!

What’s your favorite song to run to?  My current fave is Blood Sugar by Pendulum.

2 thoughts on “Running Playlist

  1. Karla @ Foodologie

    Oh man! You’ve got some good jams on this list! Work Bitch and Applause always get me going. And also totally 5 years ago… Pump It by Black Eyed Peas. But for life in general, I’m still obsessed with Happy by Pharrell


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