Tag Archives: fitness. health

Skout Trailbars

If you’ve been reading Sweet Potato Bites for a while, you know I’m all about eating snacks and bars made with minimal ingredients.  I love Health Warrior’s Chia Bars, enjoy many of Larabar’s flavors, and I can always find a KIND bar in my purse.  I was recently sent some Skout Trailbars to try from Skout Natural, and was curious to see how they would match up.

Skout Trailbars AllThe first thing I noticed about the Skout Trailbars was the minimal ingredient list.  Each bar had basic fruit and nut ingredients, and were sweetened with agave nectar which is something I haven’t seen in the other bars I’ve tried.  They also were made with organic gluten-free oats, which is perfect for anyone who has a gluten intolerance or allergy.  I also liked the fact that the bars were 200 calories or less, which can be hard to find sometimes.

Skout Trailbars Ingredient ListSince the stats were so good, I was excited to give try the Skout Trailbars to see how they matched up flavor wise.  First up was the Chocolate Coconut.

Skout Trailbar Chocolate CoconutAs a self-proclaimed lover of all things coconut, this bar was delicious!  I loved the fact that it didn’t taste overly sweet and had the perfect balance of chocolate and coconut.

The Englishman staked his claim on the Chocolate Peanut Butter bar but I still managed to sneak a taste.

Skout Trailbars Chocolate Peanut BUtterYou can’t go wrong with chocolate and peanut butter and this bar achieved the chocolate and peanut butter ratio perfectly.

When I went to try the Blueberry Almond flavor I was a bit worried the blueberry would be a bit too overwhelming

Skout trailbar Blueberry AlmondWhile there was definitely a distinct blueberry flavor to the bar, it wasn’t overpowering and was quite good.  I don’t normally gravitate towards blueberry-flavored bars, but I’d definitely get this one again.

Skout Trailbars Blueberry AlmondThe Cherry Vanilla was also good and was definitely better than the other bars I’ve tried with dried cherries in them.

Skout Trailbar Cherry VanillaThe last bar was the Apple Cinnamon flavor.  I have a complicated relationship with Apple Cinnamon combos (meaning I’m not quite sure if I like them or not) and while this bar wasn’t my fave, it definitely nailed the apple and cinnamon flavor perfectly, so if you are a fan of that flavor combo then I highly recommend it!

Skout Trailbars Apple CinnamonOverall I’m happy I got to try the Skout Trailbars!  I can see these bars as a great “travel” bar or an afternoon snack.  They are a little higher in carbohydrates than some other bars which is why they are perfect as post-workout fuel.  I had one after a 6 mile run and it was perfect.

Thanks Skout Natural for sending me the trailbars to try – I’ll definitely be adding these to my regular rotation.